The mission of the Quad Cities Pickleball Club is to promote the growth and development of pickleball.
We provide a forum to organize multiple places to play the game in the area, free lessons, and group activities. We serve as an outreach group to area cities, schools, and park districts to help spread the fun and healthful benefits of the activity.
The Club is a nonprofit 501(c)(7) social and recreational organization. It is governed by a Board of Directors. The Club is committed to further the growth of pickleball among players of all ages and characteristics. We are dedicated to helping players learn and improve their play through instructional lessons, drop-in and other organized playing opportunities.
The Club is affiliated with the USA Pickleball Association, which provides the infrastructure for the development of the sport through promulgation of official rules, sponsoring and sanctioning tournaments and clinics, ranking players, communicating with its members via e-mail and newsletters, training of all levels of players, and otherwise promoting pickleball. You are invited to join the USA Pickleball Association as a separate membership. (See
General meetings are held once a year in September and coincide with our annual fall picnic. Election of officers will be conducted with incoming officers assuming their positions on October 1st.
Our annual fall picnic is held in early September with a free catered meal for Club members. There is a guest fee for dinner. The picnic is usually held at Northwest Park which has 8 PB courts. Play starts at 3 pm and dinner at 5:30. This is a good time to encourage friends and neighbors to join our Club. See some of the reasons to be a Club member under Become a Member on our website.
The QCPC Board of Directors meets monthly or as needed to conduct Club business. Members wishing to present issues to the Board should contact a Board member.
Updated 14Sep2015
Updated July 2017
Updated August 2020
Updated July 2022
Updated September 2023 to change fiscal year
Updated December 2023 to change committee structure
Originally adopted June 26, 2013
Article I – General
Section A – The name of this Club shall be Quad Cities Pickleball Club. Where the name “Club” is used henceforth; it shall mean the Quad Cities Pickleball Club.
Section B – The purpose of this Club shall be to promote the sport of pickleball in a safe environment while protecting the assets of the Club; to provide the opportunity for all members to learn and improve their play; to implement instructional lessons; to schedule drop-in, league (ladder) play and tournaments; to encourage the highest standards of safe play; to promote social pickleball activities within the community.
Section C – This Club shall be operated as a nonprofit organization in accordance with applicable Iowa and Illinois and Internal Revenue Tax Exempt Codes (IRC -501(c)(7)).
Article II – Membership
Section A – Membership shall be open to all persons. Membership will be granted on receipt of a properly filed membership application and payment of dues. Continued membership will be contingent on payment of annual membership dues as set forth in Section C of this article.
Section B – There shall be no other precondition for membership, nor will members be required to join any national, state, or regionally affiliated organization.
Section C – The amount of dues for membership will be determined as needed by a majority vote of the Club Board.
Section D – A Behavior Code shall apply at any activity associated with the Quad Cities Pickleball Club and addresses any objectionable behavior by members of the Club occurring at or outside of Club activities that may affect the reputation, status, or purpose of the Club.
Section E – Objectionable behavior is any personal conduct that is disruptive because it does or may 1) have a detrimental effect on one’s self, other members of the Club, or the general public; 2) cause damage to the reputation or good standing of the Club; or 3) lead to possible injury or damage to self, other persons, or property. Objectionable behavior also includes anyone who is abusive or who blatantly creates turmoil, disruption and dissension among Club members.
Section F – Objectionable behavior must be described and submitted in writing by a Club member to any Board member. In the event of any reported objectionable behavior by a Club member, the Board shall appoint an Investigative Committee consisting of no less than two (2) members of the Club Board. The Committee shall meet with the member, review the facts regarding the reported objectionable behavior, make findings and give a recommendation to the full Board regarding the possible action. The Board shall then make a decision regarding the resolution of the grievance. The member will be notified of the Board’s decision within one week. Any suspended or terminated Club member has the right to appeal to the Club Board.
Article III – Officers
Section A – The Club Board shall consist of four (4) elected officers (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer), and five (5) elected -At-Large members.
The Board shall have overall governing authority of the Club consistent with the provisions of these By Laws and shall authorize all committees and coordinators necessary to carry out the purposes and objectives of the Club.
A majority vote of the Board members shall be required to conduct Club matters. If a physical meeting is not feasible, the Board may vote by email, within a specified period of time. This email vote will occur if a decision must be made prior to the next Board meeting. The decision will be duly noted in the minutes of the next Board meeting.
Section B – The Club Board shall be elected by a majority vote of the Club’s membership at the Club’s annual meeting (including absentee ballots) and shall serve without compensation. An officer normally may not serve as an independent contractor to the Club.
Section C – The officers will be elected for two (2) year terms and limited to two (2) consecutive terms unless the Nominating Committee cannot find a candidate for an office. If this is the case, the current officer will be asked to serve another two (2) year term. The President and Secretary positions will be elected in alternating years from those for the Vice President and Treasurer. The President and Secretary, therefore, will be up for election in ODD years and Vice President and Treasurer will be up for election in EVEN years. The At-Large members will be elected at each annual meeting and will serve for one (1) year terms and limited to four (4) consecutive terms. All terms start on October 1.
The responsibilities of the officers are as follows:
President – Preside over all Club meetings, carry out the direction and policies established by the Board and act as the official spokesperson for the Club. In the event of a vacancy on the Board, the President shall appoint, with Board approval, an interim officer until the next official elections are held. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.
Vice President – Perform all duties of the President in the event of the President’s absence or inability to perform, assume the Presidency of the Club for the unexpired term of the President in the event of a vacancy, set up the Nominating Committee and perform other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the President.
Secretary – Record and maintain the minutes of all Board and Club meetings as well as writing all Club correspondence. Minutes, as well as other pertinent records, shall be retained for a period of seven (7) years and all files shall be turned over to the succeeding secretary. All business documents shall be retained as long as the Club exists and shall be made in duplicate form to be forwarded to the succeeding Secretary, Treasurer and President.
Treasurer – Receive and deposit all money due the Club and pay all obligations incurred by the Club in the regular course of its business, keep an up-to-date ledger of all financial transactions and report the financial status to the Board, prepare and submit year-end reports, submit annual tax return, keep and maintain all financial records for seven (7) years prior to the current year and turn over all files to the succeeding Treasurer.
Member At-Large (5) – Serve as a voting member of the Club Board and be assigned by the President, responsibility for a specific area of Club activity.
Section D – The procedure for the nomination and election of Board members is as follows.
After consultation with the Board, the Vice President will appoint a Nominating Committee from the Club membership at least 60 days prior to the annual general membership meeting. The Committee will present a slate of nominees for each open office to the Board and Club via website and email no later than August 15. Additional nominations may be made by members in good standing no later than 10 days prior to the annual general meeting. These nominations will be submitted to the Nominating Committee for vetting. All candidates nominated, either by the committee or from the general membership, must have given their consent prior to nomination. All candidates must be Club members in good standing and be able to attend all Board and general Club meetings unless excused by the President.
Election will be by secret ballot if there are two or more nominees for any one office. If the elected positions only have one nominee, election will be by a show of hands or a voice vote. Absentee ballots may be requested no less than 5 days before the annual general meeting date and shall be provided by the Nominating Committee. Absentee ballots must be returned to the Nominating Committee 2 days prior to the annual general membership meeting to count.
Article IV – Meetings
Section A – There will be a general membership meeting conducted annually in September of each calendar year to elect new Board officers whose terms have expired. Incoming officers shall begin their term on October 1. Other meetings of the membership may be held as necessary. These dates will be specified by the Board and will be posted through members’ email and the Club’s website, stating the date, time and location. Club members will be encouraged to provide their input and recommendations to the Board regarding Club issues.
Section B –A special meeting may be requested by the membership in the form of a petition to the Board representing a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the Club members.
Section C-All members in good standing shall have the right to vote for incoming Board positions. Voting by proxy will not be allowed. Voting by absentee ballots will be allowed only for the annual general membership meeting. The latest edition of Roberts Rules of Order will be the authority on parliamentary procedures not covered by these By Laws.
Section D – The Board shall have nine (9) members. At least five (5) Board members must be “present” to convene a Board meeting. Board members are considered “present” when they are physically together at the designated Board meeting location. Other Board members that cannot meet at the designated Board meeting location will also be considered “present” by participating electronically (telephone, Skype, etc.) such that all Board members can speak with and hear one another.
Article V – Financial
Section A – Financial records shall be retained by the Treasurer for a period of seven (7) years (prior to current year). The Fiscal Year shall be January 1 through December 31.
Section B – The Board shall authorize the Treasurer to disburse funds in support of Club activities. Disbursements outside of the approved Club budget must be approved by a majority vote of the Club Board. A receipt is required for all expenditures and disbursements.
Section C – Financial records must be audited on a yearly basis by individuals other than those elected to the Club Board. This Audit Committee will be formed by the Club Board. The results of the Report of Audit will be presented to the general membership and duly recorded in the applicable minutes of such meeting. The audit will be conducted within two months of the end of the fiscal year, which runs from January 1 to December 31.
Section D – The Treasurer shall be authorized to sign all checks. In the absence of the Treasurer, the President or Vice President are authorized to sign checks.
Section E – A proposed budget will be prepared each year prior to December 31. Each committee lead shall submit their estimated income and expenses for the next fiscal year to the Treasurer by November 15 for consideration in the new budget. The proposed budget will be reviewed and approved by the incoming Board at their first meeting after the fiscal year end. The Board may amend the budget as needed.
Section F – The Board shall maintain insurance policies, as needed, for liability, etc. The Club’s Insurance Liaison will work with the Club’s insurance agent on the Board’s behalf. Also, all accident reports, claims, etc. will be retained by the Secretary for a period of no less than seven (7) years from the date of accident or claim.
Article VI – Committees
Committees will be appointed by the Club Board. The committee members will designate their chairperson and provide the name of that chairperson to the Secretary.
Committees and their duties will include, but are not limited to:
Community Outreach – to reach youth in our community who normally do not have opportunities to play sports
Hospitality – Help and support Club members when they are in need.
Membership – Keep track of membership list and dues. Remind members when their membership has lapsed.
Social – Plan and coordinate Club picnic, potlucks and other social activities.
Property – Document, store and reclaim all Club property (ball machines, nets, etc.). Maintains Club inventory list.
Referee – Train qualified referees for Club play and tournaments. Know current USAPA rules.
Training and Skills Development – Provide training and skills development to Club members and potential new Club members.
Tournaments – Set up and support organized play for the Club, not to be limited to tournaments, ladder or round robin events.
Youth – Provide volunteers and organize youth activities.
The committee chairpersons or their designees shall provide activity reports at each general meeting.
Article VII – Amendments
To amend the bylaws of this Club requires a majority vote of the Club Board. Procedures for filing amendment(s) are as follows:
1. The Board shall have the power to make, alter, amend and repeal the By Laws of the corporation by the affirmative vote of the majority of the Board, provided, that the action is proposed at a regular or special meeting of the Board and adopted at a subsequent regular meeting, except as otherwise provided by law.
2. The President may appoint a By Law Advisory Committee to recommend By Law changes to the Board.
3. The Board will review the changes and if a majority of the Board agrees with the changes, the proposed amendments will be adopted.
4. The results and date of the Board vote shall be duly noted in the minutes of the Club Board.
Article VIII – Dissolution
Prior to Club dissolution, all physical property will be liquidated and funds remaining in the treasury (after all debts are satisfied) shall be donated to non-profit organizations designated by the Board.