Quad City Pickleball Club Meeting
December 10, 2024 1 pm
Bettendorf Public Library , Bettendorf Room
Attendees: Steve Morrison, Sue Erickson, Frank Ludgate, Gina DeWulf, Dennis Boehme, Sandy Paredes, Sue Freburg, Butch Fosdick, Marcy Fosdick, Judy Peterson, David Stover, Pam Hansen
Called to order by President Steve Morrison at 1 pm
MSA to approve minutes from the October 17 meeting, posted on the club website
Finance update: Frank L. reported that expenses are tracking very well against our budget. Gina D. presented the proposed 2025 Court expenditure Budget.
Bob Lewis has agreed to audit our books again.
Tournament Report
- Butch F. reported that there will be some income and expenses in December; the tournament generated enough funds to sustain our budget.
- The PPA announced it will be holding a tournament at the Tennis Club in August.
Membership Update: currently we have 779 members on our membership list; 165 of those are overdue to renew. With our current system, emails are not automatically sent. We will look into possibly switching to sign-up genius to see if that system could helpwith this issue.
We would like to recognize and thank Annie E. for all the outstanding work she has done for the Club, keeping members informed about news and activities since 2013.
Follow-ups from last meeting:
Distribution of 25% of 2024 tournament profits -
Checks for were presented to:
One Eighty – helping people to rebuild life after crisis, poverty and addiction
First Racquet of the Quad Cities – focus is on underprivileged youth
Churches United – food bank
Humble Dwellings – restores hope to those in need using gently donated furniture and household items
Bridging the Gap - works with homeless vets
Committee leads and court ambassadors for 2025 were reviewed – no changes
We are using a larger storage unit with only a slightly higher fee
Club document sharing still a work in progress; currently, Steve M. and Sue E. have access.
- there is now a calendar on the website where we will post Club activities such as training sessions and social events.
Club will evaluate SignupGenius vs Getmeregistered for membership tracking. There may be other options as well.
New business
- 2025 budget still being worked on; it will be sent to Board members for approval via email
Specific budget question: should the tennis club be included as one of the locations that gets funds for social activities? After discussion, a motion was made, but never seconded, and therefore not considered. Request was withdrawn.
Committee reports
- Social committee: we have 185 signed up to attend our holiday party to be held Dec 12 at Old Oaks Winery in Milan
- Social Media: currently, our club is experiencing SPAM on Facebook - we do NOT sell merchandise on FB, even though it looks “official”; the only way to get club merchandise is through Judy P.
- The club will buy indoor balls for members to sell (just like we do for outdoor balls)
Court Ambassador Discussion
- David Stover: USA Pickleball /Pickleball Serves does grants for Middle Schools, High Schools and Park Districts. The next window to apply is July 2025. The vacated position of ambassador can be left unfilled.
No date was set for the next meeting. It will likely be scheduled in early May.
Addendums: - The 2025 budget was sent mid December 2024 and approved
- Approved via email: the club will become a supporting member of Visit Quad Cities. Membership will cost us $200 per year and for that, we and our events will be listed in their publications. Visit Quad Cities has been a very good partner for our tournaments. - Approved by email: we have passed a motion to limit ball sales to any one person at any one time to 24
Quad Cities Pickleball Club Meeting
October 17, 2024 1pm
Moline Public Library Gold Room
Attendees: Steve Morrison, Sue Erickson, Frank Ludgate, Pam Hansen, Dennis Boehme, Pam Hammond, Marcia Fredrickson, Sandy Paredes, Laurie Ochs, Marcie Fosdick, Butch Fosdick, Cathy Gaines, Judy Peterson, Dave Stover
Called to order by President Steve Morrison at 1:02
Welcome to returning and new Board members
Steve Morrison, President
Sue Erickson, Vice President
Frank Ludgate, Treasurer
Pam Hansen, Secretary
Dennis Boehme, At-Large
Sandy Paredes, At-Large
Gina DeWulf, At-Large
Pam Hammond, At-Large
Marcia Fredrickson, At-Large
MSA to approve minutes from the Aug 19th meeting, posted on the club website
Finance update
Frank L. reported that actual expenses are tracking very well against our budget.
We are a little under-spent in the area of court improvements.
Tournament revenue was almost $6000 higher than budgeted, largely because of income from the silent auction baskets, something that had not been considered when preparing the budget last year.
Tournament report
Marcie and Butch reported a successful tournament, generating enough funds to sustain our budget.
- we had 389 players in the Classic, 30 participants in the Youth Scramble
- there were 1267 games played in 4 days, plus more in the Youth Scramble
- 205 players were from out of town, generating $153,000 in total revenue for the Quad City area (per Visit Quad Cities).
This compares favorably to $134,000 in 2023.
-for the 2025 tournament, we will need to purchase additional equipment: 4 additional nets, 2 shelters and a computer.
Follow-ups from last meeting
- Document sharing still a work in progress.
- Steve will meet with Annie and Katie to work on improving visibility of club activities and coordination so there are not as many conflicts, possibly linking a calendar to our website.
- Sue F. provided a comparison of SignupGenius and Getmeregistered. See details in the Social Committee report below.
Annie E. may want to look at Signup Genius for membership tracking; the Social Committee has been very pleased at how it has worked for social event signups.
- Marcie F will continue looking into a Canva account for brochures.
New Business
- Frank L. will lead a committee to decide how to distribute a 25% portion of the tournament net profits. Laurie O., Marcie F., Sue E., Gina D., Cathy G. and Pam H. will be members of the committee.
- 2025 budget preparation for approval at December meeting. People need to prepare requests for court improvements and social events.
- Committee leads and court ambassadors for 2025:
- Cathy G. and Judy P. stepping down from youth training. They have done a great job – we will need replacements.
- Cheryl P. will be serving as an ambassador for RIFAC as well as Mel McKay.
- Steve M will check with other committee leads and court ambassadors to determine if any replacements will be needed.
- We will be upgrading to a larger storage unit; cost should be similar.
- Looking for a new USAP ambassador for Illinois due to resignation from that position by Sharon W. Responsibilities overlap somewhat with what the club already does. Duties are listed on USAP website
Committee reports
Social Committee
- October 20 – Social Round-Robin at Riverside courts
- December 1 – Dinks and Drinks at QC Tennis Club
- December 12 – Holiday party at Old Oaks Winery in Milan
Watch for updates for these events – our social committee is doing a great job!
Comparison of GetmeRegistered and SignupGenius:
Get Me Registered:
Standard online processing fees are 6% plus $1.95 per transaction.
We currently have a special rate of 5% plus $0.75 per transaction.
Each event must be set up individually based on information we provide.
Signup Genius:
Charges 5% and $0.50 per transaction
We can set up each of our own events, which has proven to be very convenient for our committee.
Community Outreach Committee
- Laurie O. reported that on October 26, the committee will be hosting a 1-hour event at Huckleberry courts in LeClaire to teach 15 special needs children about pickleball.
Training Committee
- Thursday October 24 – gathering to tape 2 courts at the Quad Cities Veterans Outreach Center (formerly Buchanan School building) for future use
- Frank C’s team trained 327 youth players and hosted 30 in the Classic.
- Judy P and Cathy G held 15 sessions of PB101 and 102 with a total participation of 154 people.
They also trained 8 wheelchair pickleballers and 11 Special Olympics pickleballers.
- Sharon Walters trained 80 people.
- Steve E held 6 clinics with a total of 80 people.
- Diane N trained 34 people at Huckleberry.
Meeting adjourned at 2:35. Next meeting will be in December at a date to be decided.
Quad Cities Pickleball Club
Board of Directors Meeting
August 19, 2024
Bettendorf Public Library, Bettendorf Room
Attending: Steve Morrison, President; Gina DeWulf, Vice-President; Sue Erickson, At-Large; Sandy Paredes, At-Large; Brad Dye, At-Large; Pam Hansen, At-Large; Dave Stover, Marcie Fosdick, Butch Fosdick, Sue Freburg, Susie Archer, Vicki Ryan, Vicki Todd, Cathy Gaines, Judy Peterson, Laurie Ochs, Steve and Cindy Szalo
Call to order at 1 pm
MSA to approve the minutes of the Board of Directors meeting from May 2, 2024. They are posted on the Club website.
Finance update - Steve Morrison for Frank Ludgate
- Club will retain $20,000 CD for another year
Court expenditure budget status
- bench for Mitchell Park in the works
- $1000 for Forest Grove, the Club’s donation to the City of Bettendorf to install higher fencing and wind screen
Follow ups from last meeting
- Document sharing for Club documents on Google Drive – Steve working on a way to give others access to historical documents on his computer.
- we have 80 pair of safety glasses to give away at our tournament, as well as koozies and bag tags.
-Status of candidates for our next Board
Steve Morrison, President
Sue Erickson, Vice President
Frank Ludgate, Treasurer
Pam Hansen, Secretary
Dennis Boehme, At-Large
Sandy Paredes, At-Large
Gina DeWulf, At-Large
Pam Hammond, At-Large
Marcia Fredrickson, At-Large
- Classic Tournament
Marcie and Butch are encouraging people to participate;
-tournament committee members are on task;
- if people want to play in more than 1 event, they can contact Marcie
- we are doing well on volunteers
- we will be using Franklin balls
- we will be using Pickleball Den app again
- we will have access to the storage closet at Riverside
New business
- Pam Hansen has agreed to complete the second year of Calvin Moss’s Secretary role, serving until September 30, 2025.
- Signup Genius seems to be working well for event signup
- Working on improved visibility of club activities and coordination so there are not as many conflicts ; possibly linking calendar to our website
- Sue Freburg will research use of signup genius – may combine with membership signup: currently Social Committee budget being used for this service
- Marcie F will look into using Canva, possibly at no charge
Committee reports
-Social Committee Upcoming activities:
-Annual picnic will be held on Sunday September 22 at Tangled Wood restaurant in Bettendorf; Game On, Grill On Pickleball Unleashed tailgating theme. Rain date will be the following Sunday (September 29)
- Social round robin being planned for Oct 20
- Committee researching Holiday Party
-Community Outreach
-Laurie O is in planning stages for possibly doing something with people in wheelchairs
- Training
-PB 101 Sharon and Cathy reported that this year, they have had 50-60 people attend these classes
- Special Olympics and wheelchairs
- Cathy G and Judy P working with athletes to prepare them for their tournament to be held mid September;
- also working with Bob Juarez’s QC Adaptive Sports
-Vicki and Jim Ryan are open to doing more programs like the one that was held at Mel McKay park; they would need an electrical hookup
-Membership is currently well over 700
- Referees
-Vicki is willing to answers rule questions from our club members; we would need someone to set this up online; Steve will talk to Kate Parr about a Rules FAQ.
Court ambassador discussion
-Geneseo - Dave S. – USA Pickleball has turned over the court location app to pickleheads.com
-Kiwanis – the City of Bettendorf has told us that the Kiwanis courts will be resurfaced in the first half of October.
- The Middle School courts will host a Steve Ebner clinic at the end of August
-Riverside Susie A is working on getting a signage board
-Mel McKay Vickie Todd thanked club for funding structures to provide shade over the benches
Special Presentation
-Steve Szalo gave a presentation on Pickleball Frenzy – a venue he hopes to bring to the Quad City area; questions for Steve and a discussion followed.
Meeting Adjourned 3pm
Next meeting will be scheduled in mid October
Quad Cities Pickleball Club
Board of Directors Meeting
July 9, 2024
Attending: Steve Morrison, President; Calvin Moss, Secretary; Gina DeWulf; Vice-President; Frank Ludgate, Treasurer; Dennis Boehme, At-Large; Sue Erickson, At Large; Sandy Paredes, At-Large; Dave Stover, Barb Shinbori, Butch and Marcie Fosdick, Cathy Gaines and Judy Peterson.
MSA to approve the minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting from May 2, 2024.
Finance Report: No significant changes. It appears that both the social committee and the court ambassadors have spent about half the amount budgeted for the year.
- There are about $13k in sponsorships for the QCClassic, with most of those collected.
- The change of the Club’s fiscal year to 1/1 – 12/31 has been approved by the IRS.
Insurance: Gina DW reported that it would cost the Club about $750 annually to boost the liability coverage from $1m to $2m. This would be necessary under proposed contract from City of Moline for shared use of storage space in the City building next to the Riverside Courts. Steve M. stated that he is working with City of Moline to alter some terms of the proposed contract including reducing the liability coverage requirement.
Follow-ups from previous meeting: Steve M. is still working on being able to share the Club documents stored in the Google Docs App.
- The club inventory has been completed and a complete list is available
- The Club has approximately 40 pairs of safety glasses to share with members. Marcie F. requested 80 pairs to be given away at the QC Classic. The glasses cost about $1 per pair.
- About 25 used paddles were donated to the Club to be distributed at Pickleball 101 classes or youth camps.
- The Club has currently 733 members with about 650 paid up and balance are up for renewal.
QC Classic Pickleball Tournament: Butch F. and Marcie F. provided an update of the QC Classic. There are about $13k in sponsorships. Early registrations stand at 32 adults and 2 youth. There is a sign-up page on SignUp Genius for volunteers. Tournament flyers were distributed for court ambassadors to post and the various courts.
New Business: Gina DW will start soliciting volunteers to fill open board positions for next year to be confirmed by vote at the annual meeting in September. This will include replacing the current Secretary. ☹
- Judy P. will be ordering new koozies and bag tags with the Club’s new logo for giveaways at the QC Classic. It was suggested that pictures of Club merchandise showing the updated Club logo be provided to Kate P. to put on the Club website.
- Frank L. brought up an issue regarding changed rules for proper service technique. It was suggested that Vicki Ryan may be willing to make a video demonstrating this rule change. The video could be posted on the Club website and disseminated to members via email.
- The Training Committee reported that they have held approximately 20/25 events this year including outreach, training, clinics and camps. Marcie F. requested they provide a list of the events to include in promotional materials for the QC Classic.
Next Meeting: The next meeting was not scheduled. Steve M. stated that it will likely be sometime in August.
Quad Cities Pickleball Club
Board of Directors Meeting
May 2, 2024
Attending: Steve Morrison, President; Calvin Moss, Secretary; Gina DeWulf; Vice-President; Dennis Boehme, At-Large; Brad Dye, At-Large; Sue Erickson, At-Large; Sandy Paredes, At-Large; Pam Hansen, At-Large; Barb Shinbori, Judy Peterson, Butch and Marcie Fosdick, Steve Ebner, Dave Stover, Cathy Gaines, Diane Noll, and Sue Freburg
MSA to approve the minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting from December 5, 2023.
Finance Update: Steve M. gave a brief update on finances
- Gina DW gave a brief rundown of court expenses so far. Sue E. discussed the installation of wind screens at Schadt Park and the cost.
- MSA to increase budget for court expenses at Schadt Park to $1,325.88 to cover cost of wind screens.
- Pam H. mentioned that there were discussions with the City of East Moline for payment for a new bench at Mitchell Park. Further research was deemed required until any action would be taken.
Insurance Update: Gina DW reported that the current Club insurance coverage can add endorsements for one-time liability coverage for specific events if required by the location facility.
Old Business: Sue E. has distributed laminated Club information sheets to the various play venues
Steve M. passed out additional rack cards to those who wished to have them.
Steve M. stated that the amendment to the By-Laws removing the Finance, Ratings and PR Committees was completed.
Steve M. reported that most Club documents have been uploaded to Google Docs, but at this time he is only one with access. He plans to send all Board members access information.
Club membership is now at 630 members with approximately 30 membership pending renewals
QC Classic Report: Marcie F. stated that the Pickleball Den software will be used for registrations again this year. They only need to add account information and will then be ready to open registration for the tournament. They have received commitments for $11k in sponsorships, so far. Cindy Wiseman and Julie Miller are leading the volunteer committee and are contacting people to volunteer. The City of Moline has confirmed that it will fill cracks on the Riverside tennis courts and do some repainting which will make additional courts available for the tournament.
New Business: Sue E. and Pam H. mentioned that there have been some requests for help with the pickleball event at the Senior Olympics, but the communication has been poor.
- The Storage facility is under new ownership and while the Club’s locker is the same (57), it is now designated as #357. An entry Code is now required to enter the facility - #3573808*
- Judy P. will organize a current inventory of Club materials for sometime in May
- Discussion was had regarding the importance of players using eye protection. Another person suffered an eye injury recently. Court Ambassadors will be supplied with a limited number of eye protection glasses which they can share with players at their discretion.
- A request for donations of old/used pickleball paddles to the Club for use with training and youth events. These can be given to Court Ambassadors or dropped off during social events.
Committee Reports: The Social Committee’s report was presented, and a copy is attached
- Community Outreach is still exploring possible events
- Merchandise – Judy P. is asking if there are any other types of merchandise members would like to see offered
- Training – Pickleball 101 and 102 classes were offered and filled immediately
o Special Olympics training will be offered on August 5 at NW Park to start preparation for the S.O. in Des Moines in late September
o There are several offerings being planned for June and July at Mel McKay Park and Eldridge for youth and juniors.
o Steve E. is planning 5 clinics this summer. Discussion was held on rules to hold availability to a wider range of participants to prevent the same people signing up for multiple clinics.
- Hospitality committee had sent out 39 cards to members in 2023 and 10 so far in 2024.
Committee and Ambassador Reports: With winter restricting outdoor play, there was little of note reported.
Next Meeting: Next meeting has not been scheduled.
Meeting adjourned.
QC Pickleball Social Committee Meeting Minutes
(Minutes taken by Lisa Betsworth)
April 29, 2024 Vibrant Coffee House and Kitchen
Next Meeting: May 13th 11am – Little Brown Box, 1524 River Dr, Moline, IL 61265 – if nice we might be able to sit outside.
● Current members (those present in bold) ○ Sue Freburg, Diane Noll, Sue Erickson, Lisa Betsworth, Connie Coene, Deb Krohn, Mary Lincoln, Trish Eikenberry, Maria Bribriesco, Suzanne Witcher ● Deb Guilfoyle has stepped down from the committee after several years.
● Reminder to notify Mary Healey, Julie Miller, Laura Downing, Janette Harrington, (or Sue F. to notify them) to send cards to members in need of support
Budget – Diane Noll presented the budget for social events including what has already been spent and that projected for each planned event. Sue F. to clarify with Frank whether the $50/court (total $2850) is out of our budget or if that is not included. If not included that will give us more to work with.
Member comments received:
Committee discussed the feedback received on events that people enjoyed or suggested. Favorites were the catered Hawaiian cook-out with healthy food choices and opportunity to play PB, summer putting outing and party bus. Suggestions for future events were a round robin tournament, 65+ leagues, informal doubles leagues, Bob Bunch musician and doing something for Festival of Trees. Much discussion was had about these various suggested events and we learned from the comments that people really want to play pickleball when a social event is held. Committee decided to take that into account more for future planning.
Committee decided to take that into account more for future planning.
Monthly Activities planned for 2024:
APRIL Dinks n Drinks (completed 4/21/24) Attendance: 60+, pizza 20% off from Clint’s pizza, Maria got cake and cookies from Costco – people chose cookies over cake, Deb K. and Sue F. set up, greeted guests and set up food. Mike picked up pizza, paddle stacking worked well with Suzanne and Andrea W. help, positive and friendly mixed play. Set up info cards on QCPC. Having food seemed to bring more people and there were new faces that had never attended before so that is always good. Hard to know how many are actually QCPC members.
May 7 -TBK Bowl & Buffet (new event) - includes 2 hours of bowing, rental shoes and buffet. Cost higher than anticipated. Booking fee 3%, Event host fee 14% Tax 7%. Paid by check to avoid CC fee 3%. $43.40 pp - $20 + $23.40 pp club cost. Currently have 20 signed up – discussed cancelling event due to low attendance but because there are new people registered and we met the minimum needed we will go ahead and have this event. Need to verify attendees are QCPC members and all are paid. Lisa B. to send list of attendees to Sue/Diane/Annie Edwards. Deadline to register is Thursday May 2nd .
May 15: Plus 60 - LeClaire Pickleball / Recommended and organized by Jennifer Hildebrand with Plus 60 group (former PB student of Diane/Dave). Diane and Dave Noll assisting. Must be Plus 60 member and will be limited to 32 people.
May 19 - Dinks & Drinks. Kourtni suggested possible cookout to utilize patio and outside courts. Sue F. will talk with Courtney about our continued collaboration on these events as QCPC may not want to be involved with every one that they have planned
o Dinks & Drinks – 6/23
o Bass Street Landing 6/27 – music sponsor for Totes McGotes (2 members play PB). We will have roped off area. Social committee to attend and organize flyers, club info, pickleball 101, etc. $700 has already been paid to sponsor this night.
o Mixed Social Round Robin – Diane Noll to coordinate location, date, food. Diane explained there would be 3 sessions – each 1 ½ hour long and could take 24 per session with 6 courts. After much discussion about location, it was decided Eldridge would be the best – Saturday June 29th picked as the best date. Diane will work to reserve shelter and location. Lisa will help with Sign Up Genius for registration. $250 to reserve the location. Food to include maid rites, chips, cookies. Noll’s will do 10# meat, Sue/Mike Freburg – 5# and Lisa/Jim Betsworth 5#. Diane will get recipe to everyone – expenses will be reimbursed.
o Dinks & Drinks 7/21
o Putting at the Forge/with lunch – Suzanne has agreed to contact Palmer and take this over. She will check availability and we can discuss at next meeting.
o Jim and Vicki Ryan – coffee/muffins (TBD) at Mel McKay – Connie C. to check with Vicki Todd about reserving courts. More details to work out at next meeting.
o Dinks & Drinks – 8/25
o Mary Lincoln coordinated River Bandits Game- Budweiser Champions Club reserved for Aug 25th 1:00 game. which has maximum of 150 people (last year we had about 145). Paid deposit $2850/minimum 75 people. Cost $38/pp. Menu: hamburgers, hot dogs, brats, cole slaw, chips, cookies, soda and water. A/C with garage doors that can be opened. Bartender in area. Rain - food will be served. If game cancelled, can R/S Budweiser Champions Club in 2025, no additional charge, would not include food.
o Sue F - Required annual meeting –? Mississippi Fairgrounds. $600 to reserve. Available dates. Sept 22 and 29th. (1st is Labor Day, I’m gone the 8th, and 15th).
o possible good month for Party bus. More discussion to follow. Maria not able to take the lead on this due to other commitments.
o Festival of Trees Basket, tree, wreath – after much discussion it was decided to try to do a basket this year. Sue F. will reach out to find out how to “apply” to do this as she has the contact and if there are specifics about how the basket must be done – size, container, etc. Everyone present agreed this is something we could work on together.
o Holiday Party - TBD
Quad Cities Pickleball Club
Board of Directors Meeting
December 5, 2023
Attending: Steve Morrison, President (via phone); Calvin Moss, Secretary; Gina DeWulf; Vice-President; Frank Ludgate, Treasurer; Brad Dye, At-Large; Sue Erickson, At-Large; Sandy Paredes, At-Large; Pam Hansen, At-Large; Dave Stover, Cathy Gaines, and Sue Freburg.
MSA to approve the minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting from October 5, 2023.
Finance Update: Frank L. reported that annual revenues for fiscal 2022-23 were $55k which included $40k revenue from the QCClassic Tournament. Both revenue and net profit from the QCC exceeded the previous year. Current cash on hand was $43k with only some expenses from the Holiday party to be paid.
- MSA to accept and approve of the written auditor’s report. Copy attached.
- The QCC had net income of approximately $20k before payment of Tournament Director’s fee and charitable donations. Yen Dao split director’s fee as $2000 to the Director and $500 each to assistant directors
MSA to approve charitable donations from QCC income as follows: $1,000 each to Big Brothers/Big Sisters, CASI Center for Active Seniors, QCA Adaptive Sports, Riverbend Food Bank, Humility of Mary Shelter. The donation checks will be written during the partial transition fiscal year ending December 31, 2023. Subcommittee members will try to get photo ops with large poster checks with each recipient for addition to the website.
After discussion regarding court expenditures for court improvements, including indoor facilities which charge admission fees.
MSA the QCPC will not support pay for play facilities with financial donations to these facilities.
Following the motion, the Court Expenditure Budget for 2024 was amended to remove Beyond the Baseline from the budget and reallocate the $570 to Northwest Park.
MSA to approve the Court Expenditure Budget for 2024 as amended.
Discussion moved to the Proposed Club Budget for 2024, attached. The budget does not include QCC Directors fees and Charitable Donations. The budget was amended to include a 15% director’s fee and 25% charitable donations.
MSA for future QCCs, the Director will be compensated with 15% of the net profits of the Tournament, to be divided by the Director at his/her discretion to the Director and any assistants. The total compensation shall be no less than $1500.
MSA the proposed Club Budget for 2024 was approved as amended.
- The Treasurer was authorized to purchase a $20k CD at US Bank with funds in the Club’s general fund.
Old Business: Sue E. has completed laminated Club Information Sheets and has begun distributing/posting at various local venues.
- Steve M. has another 500 rack cards which members can distribute to publicize the Club.
- QCPC has decided not to affiliate with Element3 program at this time.
New Business: Discussion was had regarding what current committees were active with the Club, what the website showed and what the Bylaws included. It was noted that there is no one performing any public relations functions, and that there had not been any requests by Club members to be rated for their play. Additionally Frank L. noted that there was no active finance committee and its purpose would relieve the need for an annual audit.
MSA – the QCPC Bylaws shall be amended to remove the Finance, Public Relations and Ratings committees.
Committee and Ambassador Reports: Cathy G. reported that the Youth committee had already met with Bettendorf Parks & Rec and noted various camps and youth training events being planned for the upcoming Spring and early Summer.
- Sue F. noted that there were already 149 guests signed up for the Holiday Party scheduled for the following week.
- The Board approved a request for $750 to sponsor at the Bass St Summer Concert Series.
- A Thank you card from Sue Archer was received and read to the board.
Next Meeting: Next meeting will be scheduled at a later date for this Spring. Any action items requiring immediate decision will be handled via email to Board members until then.
Meeting adjourned.
Quad Cities Pickleball Club
Board of Directors Meeting
October 5, 2023
Attending: Steve Morrison, President; Calvin Moss, Secretary; Gina DeWulf; Vice-President; Frank Ludgate, Treasurer; Brad Dye, At-Large; Sue Erickson, At-Large; Dennis Boehme, At-Large; Sandy Paredes, At-Large; Pam Hansen, At-Large; Butch Fosdick, Marcie Fosdick, Judy Peterson, Dave Stover, Cathy Gaines, Kate Parr and Sue Freburg.
Steve M. led an introduction of the new Board Members.
MSA to approve the minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting from August 10, 2023.
Finance Update: Frank L. reported that expenses from the QC Classic tournament were still be finalized.
MSA to approve charitable donations yearly of up to 25% of net proceeds from the Classic.
A subcommittee was formed to create recommendations for the full Board to approve for the charitable recipients. Frank L., Gina DW, Sue E. and Pam H will be on the subcommittee.
Frank L. reported that Bob Lewis would be the auditor for the Clubs books, to be completed in the future.
Old Business: Steve M. presented information sheets to be posted at playing locations. Sue E. will laminate the information sheets.
- The Club received a thank you note from JD Middle School for assistance in painting lines for pickleball courts at the school.
- Marcie F. is authorized to purchase shelving for the storage unit and a future date will be set for members to help organize the storage unit, and an inventory will follow.
Annual Picnic: Feedback from members was that the location at the Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds worked well. Future picnics should give consideration to continuing to use this location. A thank you to Deb Guilfoyle for an excellent job with the Club history. A copy to be posted on the Club website.
New Business: A request for free membership for those over 80 years of age was discussed but failed to garner support. Discussion was had regarding free membership for youth and was tabled for further discussion next Spring.
- A review of the QC Classic tournament should be held, no date was set.
- Discussion was held regarding ability for printing the membership application from the website for those who did not want sign-up on the website. Site currently does not support the application.
- Kate P. suggested that members of the social committee have access to the Facebook page to post content directly to the site. One of two members of the social committee will be provided with log-ins to allow direct posts.
- Steve M. will order 500 more “rack cards” @ $90 to be available for distribution to potential new Club members.
- Sue F. reported that upcoming social events include “Dinks and Drinks” at the QC Tennis Club on 10/29 and 11/26. A committee meeting to plan the December Holiday Party will be scheduled for later this month.
- Judy P. presented a thank you note from the John Deere Classic for Club members volunteering to help at this summer’s event.
Next Meeting: Next meeting will be in December, 2023 and then another in April, 2024. Steve M. will send out meeting times at a later date.
Meeting adjourned.
Quad Cities Pickleball Club
Board of Directors, Committee Leads and Court Ambassadors Meeting
April 24, 2023
Attending Board Members: Steve Morrison, President; Gina DeWulf; Vice-President; Frank Ludgate, Treasurer; Brad Dye, At-Large; Carolyn Hingst, At-Large; Sue Erickson, At-Large, and Terry Wangler, At-Large
Attending Committee Leads and Court Ambassadors: Steve Ebner, Julie Miller, Sharon Walters, Vicki Todd, Janette Harrington, Susie Archer, Laurie Ochs, Frank Cincola, Annie Edwards, Barb Shinbori, Mary Healy, Cathy Gaines, Dave Stover, Marcie Fosdick, Butch Fosdick, Chris Hunter, Dave Langrock
MSA to approve the minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting from December 6, 2022.
Finance Update Budget vs. Actual through April 8: Frank reported that actual income and expenses are tracking well against the budget. He noted that the club has replaced Excel to track our finances. We are now on Quick Books at a cost of $25 a month.
Balance at Pickleball Central: $500. Club receives 5% on all purchases made by club members. Last year we used money from this account to purchase balls.
Status of court enhancement budget and expenses: Gina sent an email to all court ambassadors on 3/17/23 reminding them that the club had approved all their requests for court expenditures in Oct 2022 and they had to August 31, 2023 to use. $10,000 was budgeted, through April 24 $450 had been spent with a remaining balance of $9,550.
501C7 Status: Steve pointed out that the Club’s bank balance has increased significantly in the past several years as a result of the financial success of the tournament held each fall. This brings both opportunities and challenges.
The opportunities come from the ability to spend more money on improving court amenities and conditions, as well as on a wider variety of social activities.
The challenge is to make sure we are abiding by the tax code in a way that allows us to continue with our 501C7 non-profit status.
Carolyn, Steve, Frank and another CPA will be meeting to further review the club’s status as a non-profit. The results of this meeting will be presented at the next Board meeting.
Club Geography: Steve created a map of the cities we would include in the club’s geography when giving money for court expenditures. People who live outside the geography are welcomed to join the club and enjoy all the other benefits offered but would not receive funds for court expenses. With DeWitt adding courts that city was included. Map was passed around to all attendees and no one disagreed with the map.
The map and current membership numbers by community are attached at the end of this document.
Club “Rack Card”: New club rack cards were distributed to attendees and would be used to promote the club. Instructors will pass out when holding classes, available at club’s events, etc.. The rack card contains a QR code which, when activated, directs a person to our website, Facebook page, or Instagram page.
Ball Program: The club will continue to sell Franklin balls 3 for $5 and the indoor balls that were purchased for 3 for $6. The club is renting a storage unit to store balls and other equipment so multiple people can access the equipment versus it being in someone’s garage.
Latest Membership Status: Currently 547 members, last year at this time 492.
Membership is up about 10% from this time last year, but Steve pointed out that membership numbers have hovered around the 500-ish level for several years, sometimes up a little, sometimes down a little.
Annie Edwards was applauded for all the work she has done for many years to keep track of our membership.
Survey Results: 237 members responded. This was a very satisfactory response rate of over 40%.
Overall the results from the survey were favorable.
Members are happy with the variety of social events and communications.
The only comments on events were amount and cost of decorations. Social Committee said members didn’t realize that the decorations were provided by committee members, not from the club’s budget.
About half the members said they would like to see club meeting notes posted to the website.
Members’ number one request for how to spend the club’s money was for court expenditures.
Tournament Committee Leadership: Yen Dao is our Tournament Director again this year, with considerable help provided by Laurie Ochs, Susie Archer, and other committee members. Marcie and Butch Fosdick will be taking over as tournament directors for 2024. They are helping this year to be ready for the transition.
Potential for the 2025 Middle State Diamond Regional Championships: The club has been approached about the possibility of holding this event in the Quad Cities in June 2025. Also, Visit the QC has heard a request from them. They would need 32 courts, they administer, and we would be responsible for the volunteers to help run it. The club would share in the registration fees and whatever local sponsorships we come up with. We will create a small committee to pursue and evaluate this opportunity.
Health and Wellness Committee: Chris Hunter would like to see the club have a committee that can offer opportunities for club members to hear from medical professionals. Physical therapists, orthopedic specialists, eye doctors, chiro, etc. to help them stay healthy and in shape to play pickleball. Rotate having specialist at court events, tournament etc. He is to come up with a mission statement of what he envisions this committee would do and run it by the Board. If approved, the club would look for volunteers to be on the committee.
CPR classes: Julie Miller was approached about having CPR training for members. With Chris’s request for a health and wellness committee this might be rolled into that. Steve has a connection at Red Cross who we would need as instructors.
Community Outreach Committee: Laurie Ochs has formed a new committee to reach youth in the age group of 10 -15 years old who do not have the opportunities to participate in organized sports. The committee would focus on working with other organizations who already work with underprivileged youth to organize youth training for them. Laurie, Susie Archer, Sue Erickson and Gina DeWulf are on the committee. The committee will be a sub committee of Frank Cincola’s youth training. Events are being planned for Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Boys and Girls Club, Moline Parks and Silvis Park scholarship youth. Committee is hearing from a lot of other organizations that would like to participate, but more requests than can be handled are coming in. Plans are to see how planned events go this summer and look for ways to expand with more volunteers.
September Picnic Date: Suggestion is to hold on Sunday, September 24, with the rain date of Monday, September 25.
Recap of significant Club happenings in the past year by Steve: New website created (quadcitiespickleball.com) and old has been cancelled, financing moved to Quickbooks, successful tournament, multiple new social events, survey sent to members for feedback, $6000 spent on court expenditures, new logo, club merchandise with new logo, discount ball program expanded to included indoor balls as well as outdoor, new rack cards, 10% percent increase in membership, renting storage locker for easier access to club equipment, have a club credit card.
Social Committee: Julie Miller reviewed the Social Committee’s plans through October. Currently scheduled: April 30 Drinks and Drinks at the Moline Tennis Club; May 23 opening social at Sheridan Meadows in Eldridge, pizza picnic, pickleball and games. Events that are being considered during the summer: Organized bike ride with lunch and pickleball, music venue meet-up, Hoedown event with dance instructions, food drive for food bank at courts, back-to-school supply drive at courts, golf at the Forge at Palmer hill (18 holes of putting greens), Bandits game in August (140 people attended last year’s event), annual picnic. Julie mentioned that many of the events being considered were suggested in the survey. Any other ideas members have can be sent to Julie for consideration.
Social media: The new website is up and working. Kate Parr manages the website, Facebook, and other club social media websites. Updates to club information and events are updated at least weekly as new data is sent to Kate. The platform the new website is on is much easier and faster to make changes to. The old website has been deleted. Steve copied any data such as board meeting notes from the old website that might be needed in the future.
Kate had a request from a youth group for home-schooled children, wondering about pickleball training activities. This was passed to the Youth Committee for followup with Kate. Frank said that the Youth training agenda is already very full for this summer.
Merchandise: Dave Langrock said there were a few pieces of merchandise left over from last year. Suggested that he might want to try to sell at a discounted price at the next social event which was dink and drinks on April 30. Going forward the QC Pickleball logo will be embroidered on the shirts versus the iron logo that last year’s shirts had. Club will continue to sell merchandise at cost. Judy Petersen is in charge of taking orders.
Training PB 101: Sharon Walters and Cathy Gaines are in charge of setting up 101 classes and follow-up playing times for the new players that go through their classes. The classes fill up quickly. Attendees sign waivers before taking classes. The committee has also been contacted by John Deere to hold a team building event at Riverside on May 19. Because there are different levels of training being held (beginners, follow-up classes for beginners, intermediate training) Steve asked the instructors to agree on common names to use for each level of training and what is taught. EX: PB 101, PB 102, PB 103. Classes are posted on the QCPB website.
Training Juniors: Frank Cincola has a busy schedule for youth training this summer. The current schedule is posted on our website. Several of the training sessions are a result of the new collaboration with the Community Outreach Committee. Frank has requested the Board’s approval to purchase shirts for all the volunteers who help with the training to include the QCPB logo along with “Coach” to identify the volunteers during classes. The Board agreed with the idea and asked Frank to send in numbers of shirts and sizes needed so it can approve the expenditure. There are currently 24 volunteers involved with this committee but given how quickly this program is expanding, more volunteers are always welcome.
Training Intermediate: Steve Ebner plans 5 clinics for this spring/summer. One in each month. His clinics are for 3 days and cost is free to members and $15 for non members which is the same cost as a club membership for a year. He works with court ambassadors to set up times and enrollment for classes. Schadt Park will be his first class in May and it filled up in less than a day. Clinic will be held at Mel McKay in June. If court ambassadors don’t fill up classes, they are advertised on the club’s website. He plans to hold clinics at courts that didn’t have clinics last year. He says he is available for drill sessions at player’s request. Sharon, Cathy, Frank and Steve when holding training encourage membership in the club and will pass out new rack cards to players who sign up for classes.
Membership: Annie Edwards handles registration and follows up with all members by email when their membership renews, as a backup to the email automatically sent by the “Get Me Registered” portal that is used for members to register. Most memberships are renewed in September at the Club’s Annual Picnic. Most of the club’s new members come from players that want to go to social events and when taking the club’s training.
Hospitality: Mary Healy’s committee sends out condolences, get well cards, etc. to club members. Mary needs members to contact her when cards should be sent as that is the only way the committee knows about something that happened that a card from the club is appropriate.
Referees: Janette Harrington stated there have not been any requests for referee training. She reviewed rule changes for 2023 and the only one that could affect recreational play is that a player is no longer allowed to spin the ball with their hand prior to serving.
Tournament: Laurie Ochs and Susie Archer reported that the tournament has been set for 4 days in September. September 14 -15 at the Quad City Tennis Club and September 16-17 at Riverside Park. Sign up for the tournament has been set up for players to register, along with a website for volunteers to sign up. They need approximately 58 volunteers a day to run the tournament. Money has been raised through sponsorships to use for payouts in the cash prize division. Some Moline hotels are offering discounts for players to stay and are listed when registering.
Geneseo: Dave Stover reported their courts would be holding a couple of tournaments that would be advertised to club members through emails sent by Annie. He was given information on who to contact to make a QCPB Club Banner that is in his court expenditure budget this year.
Kiwanis: Numerous attendees spoke up about the bad conditions of the courts. It has not been possible to get a timeframe from the Parks Department for repairing the courts. The City has purchased new windscreens but has no timetable for installation. The club purchased the new nets that were installed last year. Court expenditure request for this year is for some type of shade equipment.
Northwest Park and Baseline: Barb Shinbori reported that NW Parks courts are to be resurfaced next fall. The plans for building courts in Duck Creek are currently on hold.
Sheridan Meadows: Mary Healy said the Eldridge courts were resurfaced last summer and court expenditure for this year is some type of shade structure.
Huckleberry: Steve reported from info sent by Diane Noll. LeClaire has a Parks Dept that is very interested in promoting pickleball and the courts. Diane is working with the Parks Department to set up Pickleball 101/102 lessons. The City recently purchased land next to the courts and future plans will be made on how to use it.
Moline Tennis Club: Julie Miller reported that the club is getting permanent pickleball nets installed. About half the courts now have permanent nets but there will be a delay of six weeks or more getting the rest installed because of supply issues. Apparently the Tennis Club is also planning to hang blue backdrops against the walls to improve visibility, but there is no timetable for this work.
Riverside: Susie Archer reported court improvements of repairing cracks, new umbrellas were almost completed and courts should be available for play again by the end of the week. Structure with shed for storage and restrooms will be built this year.
Mel Mckay: Vicki Todd said building of 6 or 8 new courts at Mel McKay should start this fall or early next spring
RIFAC: Sharon Walters said courts are available for open play from 8:00 - 1:00. Reservations need to be made for play outside of these hours.
Schadt Park: Sue Erickson said courts will be resurfaced. Didn’t have a date.
Integrating New Players: Steve challenged all attendees to think of ways to integrate new players and welcome them to courts. Currently there are many different levels of players in the Quad Cities and it is hard for new players to know when to meet up with players of their skill levels.
Items available to take away: Balls were available for attendees to take to sell at their various venues. Rack cards, koozies, and bag tags were also available for attendees to take and to distribute.
Next meeting date and format: No specific date set, but will likely take place in June with all the same attendees invited.
Quad Cities Pickleball Club
Board of Directors Meeting
July 3, 2023
Attending: Steve Morrison, President; Calvin Moss, Secretary; Gina DeWulf; Vice-President; Frank
Ludgate, Treasurer; Brad Dye, At-Large; Sue Erickson, At-Large; Dennis Boehme, Barb Shinbori, Butch
Fosdick, Marcie Fosdick and Cathy Gaines.
Finance Update: Frank L. reviewed the current financial statement through June 6, 2023. It
was noted that funds allocated for social events by court ambassadors at various courts remain mostly
unused. It was also proposed that after completion of the QC Classic tournament unallocated funds
could be invested in short term investments. Further action on the proposal would be after the new
Board is seated.
Tax exempt status: Frank L. spoke with a former tax partner of his, Mike Hurd. It was informally stated:
“He feels that the Club has no issues that would jeopardize their status as a 501(c)7, related to the
Pickleball tournament. The tournament is organized for the benefit by the organization and in support
of its exempt purpose. The tournament is only held once a year so is not a regular revenue generating
activity. He also indicated that there is no reason to file a Form 990-T whereby the Club would pay
income tax on the profits related to the tournament.” Frank also indicated that payment to the
tournament director was not an issue if the compensation was reasonable, approved by the Board, and
a 1099 issued.
MSA to approve that the Club remain a 501c(7) tax exempt organization.
MSA to approve the minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting from April 24, 2023.
Resignation: It was noted that At-large director, Carolyn Hingst had resigned from the Board. A
replacement will be elected at the annual meeting in September.
QC Classic Tournament: Butch and Marcie F. attended meeting as on-coming tournament directors for
2024. Yen Dao is in final year as director. Concern was expressed with the usage of DUPR ratings for
players to sign up for player divisions. Some players may be discouraged to enter based on requirement
of a DUPR rating, and using the rating system isn’t required since tournament is not a sanctioned event.
Steve M. stated he would follow up with Yen D. whether the usage of DUPR ratings should be utilized.
Mid-States Diamond Regional Championships: The Club has been informally approached about hosting
the Mid-States DRC in 2025. Hosting would require as many as 24 outdoor courts. This may be possible
at the Riverside Park in Moline if utilizing tennis courts as well. Steve Stone of USA Pickleball has been
involved in discussions and may have further information later. Discussion was had regarding forming a
group to investigate the Club’s potential involvement and how financials would work. No further action
was taken at this time.
Nominating Committee: Gina DW indicated that 3 at large positions will need to be filled this year.
Steve M. has not indicated whether he will return as President, to date.
Other Business: A request was made for volunteers to post laminated Club information sheets at all
public pickleball courts.
- Club should look into advertising on PlayTime Scheduler since so many members use the
website. Also possibly making a donation to the website to support its functions.
- Steve M. has ordered another 400 Franklin X40 balls to be sold to members at the prior prices.
MSA to distribute 2 balls to each Club member who attends the annual meeting in September.
- The Club has been approached by the City of Moline, asking if we would be interested in being a
sponsor of the City's Halloween event, at a cost of $600. Steve will talk to Susie Archer to get
more details, then make a recommendation to the Board.
Next Meeting: The next meeting will be on August 10, 2023 @ noon to be held at the Kiwanis Park
shelter in Bettendorf. (Rescheduled to August 15th @noon)
Meeting adjourned.
Quad Cities Pickleball Club
Board of Directors Meeting
August 15, 2023
Attending: Steve Morrison, President; Calvin Moss, Secretary; Gina DeWulf; Vice-President; Frank
Ludgate, Treasurer; Brad Dye, At-Large; Sue Erickson, At-Large; Terry Wangler, At-Large; Dennis
Boehme, Barb Shinbori, Butch Fosdick, Marcie Fosdick, Judy Peterson, Butch Fosdick, Vicky Ryan, Dave
Stover, Diane Noll, Kevin Peterson and Cathy Gaines.
MSA to approve the minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting from July 3, 2023.
Finance Update: Frank L. reviewed the current financial statement through August 9, 2023.
It was remarked that an audit of club accounts will be needed after completion of the fiscal year.
Old Business: The City of Bettendorf has authorized the Club to purchase an install a storage facility
near the Kiwanis Courts to hold Brooms, Shade Umbrellas and other Club gear. There is no electrical
hook-ups currently.
- After feedback from the QC Classic tournament director, Yen Dao, the DUPR rating system will
be utilized to place players in the correct brackets for play. Advertising of the tournament on
the website, Playtime Scheduler, was determined to be too expensive to be feasible.
- Discussion on participating as a sponsor for the Halloween event put on by the City of Moline. It
is too late this year to join as sponsor, but can do so for next year.
MSA to approve $700 sponsorship fee to the City of Moline for the City’s 2024 Halloween event.
- Sue E. agreed to laminate information sheets for the Club to be posted at the various pickleball
- August 21, 2023 @ 1pm is scheduled time for painting of pickleball courts at the John Deere
Middle School.
Officer Nominations: Gina DW stated that Club members, Dennis Boehme, Sandy Paredes and Pam
Hansen had agreed to stand for election to the three open at-large directorships. Steve Morrison
agreed to stand for re-election as President; Calvin Moss agreed to stand for re-election as Secretary.
New Business: There are 6 new courts now open in DeWitt. They have been added to the Club website
and PlayTime Scheduler.com.
- Steve M. will not be able to attend the Annual Meeting and Picnic on September 24, 2023. Gina
DW is tentatively scheduled to chair the meeting, pending her notification of her schedule.
- Steve M. stated that an inventory of Club owned equipment should be held in October. Will
need some volunteers to help and Committee heads to participate also.
- Steve M. stated that he had saved copies of Club documents on a flash drive, was planning to
put them as Google Docs to be available for any member.
QC Classic Tournament: There are currently 180 players signed up for the tournament with a lot more
expected. Discussions was had about the difficulty of registration with the pickleballden.com website.
Marcie F. stated they do not intend to use the website again next year. Discussion was had about the
small number of youth players signed up – currently 9 players. Pleasant Valley School District recently
held a fundraiser tournament at which 90 youth participated. We will reach out to the organizer of the
tournament to see if they would be willing to help spread the word about the QCClassic to their
participants to try and bolster youth participation.
Committee Reports: Judy P. has new shirts, hats and visors with Club logo available for sale. She will
have a display at the QC Classic and will take orders for merchandise.
- Cathy G. reported that the Club had 70 volunteers throughout the summer to assist with youth
training events, and 50 volunteer shirts were provided.
- Vicky R. gave a brief report of rule changes. She proposed a possible rules meeting in November
for whomever is interested.
Mid-States Diamond Regional Championships: Contact was made with Jim Berger about whether the
event will be coming to the Quad Cities. The tournament would last 4 days and expect 700-800
participants with potential $200k economic impact. The Riverside PB and tennis courts would be able to
handle the event. The organization would coordinate with the City and the Club would only be
approached for volunteer help, no administration. Benefits to the Club would be a split of the gate and
any local sponsorships.
Court Ambassadors: Sheridan Meadows- New shade structures have been installed (many are jealous),
and they will have a party next week to celebrate.
Huckleberry- They have held several beginners classes in conjunction with LeClaire Parks & Rec dept and
they fill up within 2 hours of being posted. They have also held several social events.
Mel McKay – Will be replacing the 6 courts with new courts.
Next Meeting: Annual Picnic and Meeting on September 24, 2023.
Meeting adjourned.