The QCPC Board of Directors is elected by a vote of the members at the annual meeting in September. The Board meets monthly or as needed to conduct Club business. Members wishing to present issues to the Board should contact a Board member.

Board Members

( as of October 1, 2023)


Board Members      Office                     Term              End of Term
Steve Morrison       President               2 years           2025
Gina DeWulf       Vice President       2 years          2024
Calvin Moss           Secretary                2 years           2025
Frank Ludgate        Treasurer                2 years            2024


At Large Members

( 1 year term )


Dennis Boehme 2024
Brad Dye 2024
Sue Erickson 2024
Pam Hansen 2024
Sandy Paredes 2024


Court Ambassadors

Welcome new players, keep the courts clean, help organize play, and generally responsible for play on those courts.

Board Liaison:   Gina DeWulf


  • Forest Grove - Tim Lohse

  • Kiwanis - Open

  • Middle School - Open

  • TBK SportsPlex - Open


  • Back to Baseline - Barb Shinbori

  • NW Park - Dennis Boehme


  • Humeston Road - Mary Lincoln

East Moline

  • Mitchell Park - Pam Hansen


  • N. Scott HS - N/A

  • Sheridan Meadows - Mary Healy


  • Geneseo - Dave Stover


  • Huckleberry Park - Diane Noll


  • Moline Tennis Club - Julie Miller

  • Riverside Park - Susie Archer

Rock Island

  • Mel McKay - Cheryl Park

  • RIFAC - Sharon Walters


  • Schadt Park - Sue Erickson


The name in bold is the chairperson.                                 

Community Outreach - To reach youth in our community who normally do not have opportunities to play sports

Laurie Ochs
Susie Archer
Gina DeWulf
Sue Erickson
Janette Harrington

Juniors Committee – Teaches youth pickleball, sets up youth clinics and tournaments

Frank Cincola, Judy Peterson, Cathy Gaines  
Plus many volunteer instructors for the many clinics

Hospitality Committee – Helps and supports members when they are in need

Mary Healy
Julie Miller
Laura Downing
Janette Harrington              

Insurance Liaison – Maintains club’s insurance policy

Gina DeWulf     

Membership Committee – Maintains and updates member list, collects dues

Annie Edwards

Property Management/Inventory – Maintains inventory list and keeps track of club property

To Be Determined                                        

Ratings Committee – Develop a quantified rating system. Rate club members that ask to be rated

Not currently active

Referees– Know USAPA rules and are trained to referee tournament games

Vicki Ryan
Jim Ryan
Dave Stover
Janette Harrington                     
Cindy Wiseman
John Johnstone
Judy Petersen
Al Cleary
Gregg Griffith                               

Social Committee – Plans annual picnic and other club social events

Sue Freburg - Middle school, TBK
Diane Noll - LeClaire
Sue Erickson - Silvis
Lisa Betsworth - Geneseo
Connie Coene - Riverside, Kiwanis, Eldridge, QCTC 
Mary Lincoln - Dewitt, Eldridge, Kiwanis, Clinton  
Deb Krohn
Trish Eikenberry
Maria Bribriesco
Suzanne Witcher

Tournament Committee– Organizes club tournaments, supports Sr. Olympics

Butch Fosdick, Marcie Fosdick
Additional volunteers yet to be named for 2024

Training & Skill Development Committee– Sets up 101 training classes for public, provides more advanced coaching, drills and skill clinics for members

Iowa Beginning Pickleball: Cathy Gaines, Judy Peterson
Illinois Beginning Pickleball: Sharon Walters, Vicki Todd
Intermediate Instruction: Steve Ebner, Larry White, Connie Coene, Carol Cincola

All with help from numerous volunteers as required.       

Web Page – Maintains website, Facebook and all other club social media platforms          

Kate Parr                                        

USAPA Ambassadors

Dave Stover
Sharon Walters
Barb Shinbori